If you read my last blog post, you’ll remember me mentioning that shooting with film is a passion project of mine this year! I hope to sharpen my skills with film, of course, but I’m also hoping it’ll help me remember to slow down and really consider composition when I’m shooting digital, too. I honestly believe it’s making a difference for me creatively.
I just got my scans back from the last three rolls I shot – let’s take a look at some of my favorites together!

Later on in the post there’ll be more beach photos, but I’m featuring this shot towards the beginning because I love it. The way my eye is being directed by the curve of the water as it touches the shore, the strange, rainbow-like line in the middle of the film and how it sort of matches Xavier’s swimming trunks, the crowd of beach-goers…I love it.

We were at my Granny’s house here. Something about this clock has always intrigued me. Seeing the word “Regulator” beneath the clock itself makes time feel menacing. I wish I had straightened my shot out a little bit here, but over all I like the negative space and soft shadows.

My parent’s backyard at sunset. I was hoping this would turn out dreamy and the effect is better than I expected.

I like the lines and movement here.

It was cold but it was sunny, and Xavier demanded we go outside to swing. You can sort of see his gloves in the bottom of the frame here. I’m happy with how this one turned out despite the harsh light that was coming in from the right side.

This was taken after we had a family day in the next town over. We went several places, with our last stop being at a comic book store. Xavier managed to find two Mario figurines he didn’t already have: penguin Mario and ice Mario. We had to have them and he said they needed to help Cam drive back home. I like this shot. It’s a little brighter than I hoped it would be, but I did want it to be glowy and soft to help remember the gentle joy of that day, so I’ll take it.

The light hitting his eye and lashes here >

This is when we made it to the beach. It was chilly and misty but we didn’t care. We had successfully made a nine plus hour drive with our toddler and he was nothing but happy to see the waves. The seagull in the corner makes me happy, and overall, the exposure is pretty darn accurate to what the conditions were.

We did not expect to see as many candy shops in one area as we did in Myrtle Beach, but Xavier was more than happy about it. This particular shop looks like a gingerbread house, so we had to make a stop.

I feel so lucky I was able to snap this flock of birds in this moment.

I wanted to stare at the water the whole time during our first proper visit on the beach. The shapes that formed on the shore were beautiful each and every time. The pier in the distance and the dark rain clouds just added to the atmosphere.

I overexposed this shot a little, but I still like it. This was outside of a lobster house we had a family dinner at and their flower bushes were divine.

A new obsession of mine: Spanish moss. It’s everything beachy, whimsical dreams are made of.

A pigeon, casually strolling in the sand.

My brother-in-law, Jace, during one of his baseball games at Myrtle.

The Laker JV team won every single game while we were at the beach!

I saw this as a good opportunity for a silhouette shot. The kids were on a hill beside the field the JV team was playing on, and they would race up and down, up and down, up and down…

Cam had to help Xavier down a few times (it was a steep hill). They actually slid down together at one point, and naturally I didn’t manage to capture that.

I really enjoy this one. The colors, the warmth, the light, the story.

I wonder what every other person’s vacation meant to them. How many miles they traveled to get there. If they remembered to put on sunscreen. If it was their first or their fifteenth beach trip. If their hat flew into the ocean and got pulled in by the tide (like mine did)…

My guys. They’re my everything.

Cam snapped this one for me!

My horizon line is a smidge crooked, but there are a lot of magical things at play here. The wave crashing. The sailboat in the distance. The soft clouds in the sky.

Xavier has been practicing how to write his initial and the sand is an excellent place for that.

My goal was to capture his shadow, but I’m also happy with how well the bubbles showed up in this shot.

Xavier with his Aunt Braylee (Cam’s little sister). This mysterious line starting up towards the end of this roll. I’m not too mad about it though.

I want to use this shot to finish out this post. It was the start of one of my rolls, hence the overexposed left corner of the film, and it’s also blurry…but I believe that couple was hugging on the beach.
I hope they had a lovely time together, and that they’re having a good day, wherever they are.
Until next time, friends!